Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So it’s Wednesday, and did I mention that I am a full time student in my last semester of college?

 I am currently trying to cram a weeks’ worth of school work (3 classes) into 4 days, while trying to ignore the fact that my embryo transfer consult appointment is in 5 days, 4 if you only count the days leading up to it! I am so excited that it is hard to focus on much else! My mind keeps racing ahead to the appointment and beyond, planning out the moths to come and what they will hold for our family.

No word on our home study yet. We know it has been approved by our worker and her boss, but we are still waiting on that 3rd signature from the Heavens (okay, just somewhere high up in the government I guess). As it turns out, our agency just began using some new electronic system for home study reviews, instead of sending hard copies. And guess what? It stopped working before ours could be sent for review, and who knows when they will get the system working properly?

I once read that when we ask God to show us our circumstances through His eyes, our whole outlook will change. The situation will be the same, but we will see it differently. I am learning to do that with our home study process. I am annoyed that it has not been full reviewed yet and sent to the NEDC, however, God is showing me that this is a chance for me to just trust Him. That He has the timing worked out perfectly for us, and that I can relax and just wait on Him.
It’s kind of funny how God is always right. He always will be several (hundred) steps ahead of me, and as hard as it is for me to grasp, He does know better than me. God has over and over again proved Himself trustworthy to me…and every day I still have to make a conscious decision to let go, and let God.

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