Thursday, January 23, 2014

11 1/2 Weeks! And an Update

11 Weeks and 5 days! Yippee! Saturday I will be 12 weeks pregnant, right on the cusp of the second trimester!  Yeah, I’m a little excited about that! 
So, update: I went to see my perinatologist a couple weeks ago. When they did their fancy ultrasound we found that the hemorrhage that was around Baby A was gone!!!! Prayers answered! And the hemorrhage around Baby B was still present, but it is small. The doctor said he wasn’t too concerned about it. He gave me much more detail about how these things can happen and what they are. Very nice to hear since no one has been able to tell us anything until him. Baby B still has less room in their embryonic sac, but they are only measuring 4 days (as of two weeks ago) smaller than Baby A. This is good; it means that they are basically concordant in their growth. But we will be monitoring B’s growth, definitely through the first trimester. 

We actually bought a home Doppler and around 11 weeks I was finally able to hear the horse stampede of baby heartbeats at home. This is so reassuring! Sometimes I check a couple times a day. That bleeding early on was so scary. I want to always be able to check and see that there are two heartbeats without having to go to the ER for an ultrasound. 

I go tomorrow (Friday) for a visit with a new, closer, OB and I hope all goes well. I am seeing their Nurse Practitioner and hopefully they do an ultrasound. The following Monday I go back to see the Peri for my anatomy scan and if they can see they will tell me genders!! 

Get your gender guesses in now. My guess is Baby B is a girl and Baby A is a boy…

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that both babies are looking good - Can't wait to hear their genders! :)
