If you have been following our story for a while, you may recall that with our last transfer back in 2012 we had issues with our Beta (bloodwork) pregnancy testing. Last year we were supposed to get lab work done on the 11th day after our transfer, which just happened to fall on a Sunday. A no go for the NEDC. The 12th day was Monday, I believe it was Memorial Day, so again, no beta. We had to wait until the 13th day to go get our Beta testing done. So of course I took a HPT on Memorial day, and it was BFP!
So here we are in 2013, 7 days post transfer (7dpt) and we are waiting for our Beta. The NEDC once again told us we needed to wait 11 days to get our Beta done. Surprise, surprise, the 11th day falls on a Saturday. So you guessed right, that means we once again will not get to Beta test until the 13th day. I feel like Ferris Beuller. Strange; same embryo number and condition as last time AND we have to wait the 13 days again....perhaps that is a sign. I am going to take it as one :)
I continue to feel nauseous all day. I am exhausted. I have headaches. I even think I am starting to have cravings, the same ones as last time...I also felt another "twinge" today! Go babies go! This time around I may take a HPT on Thanksgiving, with the understanding that it is only 9dpt and will most likely be negative, even if I really am pregnant. I found a great site by NYU that explains what happens after a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). If you check this site out, we are a 3 day transfer (I believe) and if that is the case, the NEDC is correct in saying not to test until day 11, which is when HCG can be detected... But I am impatient.
Happy Thanksgiving! I will let ya'll know if I test :)
I had to wait 13 days past transfer too because of Thanksgiving, office closed Thursday-Sunday. And mine was a 5 day blastocyst transfer so by the time I had my beta drawn, it was the equivalent of 18 days last ovulation! I didn't POAS until after beta was drawn but before the nedc called with my results. My HPT was positive and the beta result was 1123! Such a happy day! :) hope your wait goes by fast (but I know that isnt likely-lol)!