Today (Friday) was freezing cold, but beautiful and for that I am thankful! When I went to have my ultrasound two weeks ago it was raining so hard I could barely see the road. I took a more congested, but less expensive route today, so thankfully it was gorgeous out! My father in law has been staying with us the last two weeks, and he has been a big help to me. So this morning I actually had help getting the twins out of the house, which meant we left the house early, rather than late. Which also meant we made it to our appointment early! BAM!! Never happens...ever. So excited!!
Today was my pre-transfer follicular ultrasound! Two weeks ago my lining was 7.15 and today it was 10.2, woohoo! I just received a call from the NEDC clearing me to begin my progesterone shots. I will do one morning shot Saturday, tomorrow, and twice a day Sunday-Tuesday (my transfer.) I am not sure why I only do one shot tomrrow, guess I should have asked. I also will decrease my estrogen from 3x a day to 2x a day now.
I obviously did not get my post finished, as today is Saturday :) We did my first progesterone shot this morning. For the life of us, we could not remember how many CC's were in a ML. Our instructions from the NEDC and the intrsuctions on the bottle from the pharmacy were in different lingo :( I ended up having to call a pharmacy to get help. I think we did it right. At my ultrasound appointment Friday, I had the nurse draw on my backside, showing me where to inject the progesterone. I am so tired of getting different instructions from different nurses. Today was relatively easy after we figured out how much medicine to draw up. I actually numbed the flesh with an ice pack beforehand, which hurt. But when my husband made the first injection, I was like, "Was that it?" It wasn't bad at all. It helped that we remembered to order 1inch needles instead of 1 1/2, which is what they sent us first. I used the heating pad on the site afterwards, but I did not massage it. As I type this, the area is sore.
I am off to pack because we leave first thing in the morning to begin our drive to Tennessee and the NEDC!
Will be praying! :)